Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Sebab-Sebab Bahasa Inggeris Anda Berkarat

The reasons why your English have gotten rusty are as far as I can think of.

1. Malu Nak Speaking
“Tak payah la speaking..bajet omputih la tu”..Have you ever experienced this situation where you tried to begin a conversation with your friends but in the end, you received such response from them? I did..hahah. Since you don’t want to be called as “poyo” amidst of your friends, you are giving up your enthusiasm conversing in English.

2. Tak Cukup Vocab
If you don’t have sufficient vocabulary, I am sure that most of you would refuse to utilize English as a medium of conversation. You are afraid of making mistakes, not knowing the gist of conversation if somebody talk to you in English and for that reason, you will become a laughing stock.. imagine that orang tanya lain korang jawab lain..kekeke

3. Takut Nak Practice
“Apa korang buat kalau ada mat salleh datang tanya jalan kat korang?” heheh. Actually, there was a hilarious occasion that I had recently witnessed..very funny. A couple of mat salleh came to ask for direction from this boy. Unfortunately, before they opened their mouth, budak tu dah lari..hahaha. Well, if you come across with native speakers and get a chance to speak with them, please do so. A constant practice might improve your English proficiency.

4. Kurang Tulis Entri Dalam Bi
From what I see, only a few bloggers attempt to write their entry fully-written in English. I was told that writing an English entry does not getting much comments and responses from readers. Actually, it depends on your writing styles and how you approach your readers. Jangan la guna bahasa skema..santai je. So, try to write an English entry once in a while..use simple language and put a sense of humours in it and you might be surprised to see how it will turn out.

P/S : Cuba korang tulis entri dalam bahasa inggeris dan link entri korang tu kat sini..nanti aku promote entri dan blog korang :)



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